Thursday, September 4, 2008

1544th IL National Guard Summer Picnic

There are many things we do, places that we go & people that we see in the summer, but one of my personal highlights is spending time with our oldest son, Casey.

Since graduating high school in 2003, Casey has been a National Guardsmen, serving the United States with the 1544th Transporation unit out of Paris, IL. Soon after boot camp, Casey's unit was deployed to the war in Iraq & very quickly made a name for themselves. Just google "1544th T.C." sometime & see what all you can find!

Attending the unit's summer picnic in August just before we left for Haiti was tops. I mean, who wouldn't want to go hang out with soldiers in uniform on a Sunday afternoon, especially when one of them was yours?!

We are proud of you Casey & of all of our men & women in service!

Okay, Casey is not married, but he does have a couple great girls in his life :) It was special to get to know his #2 girl, Sarah, a bit better this summer (I'm still #1, for now!). We didn't get to spend a whole lot of time together, but I enjoyed what time that we did have. Sarah will be teaching 5th grade in Paris, IL this year. Stephen tried to share some wisdom with her, but said she will need to learn most of it on her own :) We are praying hard for Sarah!
Casey's #3 gal is 10 month old "Mya" & she is SO MUCH FUN! We couldn't wait for her visits to have fun with her. David & Mya are the perfect size for each other & it was great watching them bounce around together. Mya happily woke Stephen up one morning with $3 in her mouth. I think it came from Casey's pocket! She's a good girl!

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